In this first-person letter to his church, Eastpointu2019s Senior Pastor, Kurt Bubna shares the impact Purpose Driven has had on his life, and how he intends to balance his roles between his ministry at home and building healthy churches in Botswana. Read his personal letter to his members on calling vs distraction and what it means to be a church committed to u201cgo!u201d
There are moments in a personu2019s life when you realize, this is what I was made to do. When we launched Eastpoint over 15 years ago, I knew this is what I was shaped by God to do.
When I first visited Africa over two years ago, God grabbed my heart and I knew, this is part of my God-given destiny. Now, after two years and seven long trips (well over 150,000 miles in the air!), I have completed Godu2019s assignment to train African pastors in the Purpose Driven Essentials.
Well over 100 pastors, bishops, and church leaders have gone through the training with me. As a result, hundreds of churches will continue to be impacted by the many hours of training we have done in this great country.
Itu2019s been amazing, humbling, powerful, and fruitful. God has started a brand new movement of unity and church health here in Botswana that has exceeded my expectations. I want to thank you for your spiritual, emotional, and financial support. YOU have made this possible by being an active part of Eastpoint and my life.
Some have wondered and asked, u201cIs Kurt going to keep this up forever? Is this a distraction for him regarding his ministry at Eastpoint?u201d
I will continue to support my African brothers and sisters, and do what I can to coach them on their journey. However, my trips to Africa will be far less frequent. Iu2019m taking a team of seven Eastpointers with me in July to train and implement the PEACE Plan, but after that I will personally only come to Africa once or maybe twice a year.
Furthermore, let me assure you, Botswana and our connection to this country is not a distraction by any means. We as a church are called to go, here, near, and far! u201cGoingu201d is one of our five purposes and an essential part of our ministry. For over 10 years we have sent teams to Guatemala. Going is what we are called to do. (Did you know that the word u201cgou201d is used over 3,000 times in Scripture?)
Please never look at Eastpointu2019s involvement in going as a distraction. This is a part of who we are and what we are called to do in our mission as a community of faith. It is a privilege and an honor to see how God has used (and continues to use) what I know as a pastor and what we know as a church to bless others.
I have prayed for a long time that God would someday use me as an u201celderu201d (i.e. coach) to younger pastors as I finish my run over the next 10-15 years of my life in ministry. The Lord is answering that prayer beyond my wildest dreams.
At the conclusion of the training of the large group in Botswana, the MC called the bishops forward to pray over me. As my African friends worshipped (and I love their worship), the bishops laid hands on me and prayed with passion. I wept (hard) as they thanked God for me AND Eastpoint. They know the sacrifice we have made on their behalf.
Again, I am so grateful for you and your prayers. Continue to ask God to do more in this beautiful country filled with great need and yet great love for Him.
You are loved,
Pastor Kurt