ما هي خطة السلام؟
تركز خطة السلام على استعادة دور الكنيسة كمركز للإرساليات. لقد تم تصميمها على غرار خدمة يسوع ووضعت موضع التنفيذ من خلال المؤمنين العاديين الذين يحبون الذين حولهم – بغض النظر عن المكان الذي يضعهم فيه الله. الناس العاديون، بتمكين من الله، يفعلون ما فعله يسوع، أينما كانوا.
ما الذي يجعل خطة السلام فريدة من نوعها؟

تتيح للأشخاص العاديين ان يقودوا
تروج وتزرع وتتشارك مع الكنيسة المحلية
تهدف خطة السلام إلى استعادة أولوية الكنيسة المحلية في دورها في الارساليات العالمية. في كثير من الأحيان، عندما نعمل عبر الثقافات، ندخل في المجتمع ونتجنب الكنيسة المحلية – المنظمة نفسها المصممة والأفضل موقعا لمواجهة تحديات مجتمعهم. عندما نساعد المؤمنين في الكنيسة المحلية على أن يصبحوا مجهزين بالأدوات والتدريب، يتعلم الجميع، ويستمر العمل التحويلي لفترة طويلة بعد مغادرة الزوار.

تعمل من أعلى الى أسفل ومن أسفل الى أعلى
تقلد نموذج يسوع
في متى 10 ولوقا 10، وضع يسوع المبادئ الإرشادية للإرساليات لتلاميذه. من بينها كانت فكرة “لا تأخذ مالاً”. يجب أن لا تكون الإرساليات باهظة الثمن – كان من المفترض دائمًا أن تكون حول صنع التلاميذ، وليس مجرد جلب الموارد. عندما نتشارك في اقامة وتدريب المؤمنين الآخرين، مع التركيز على احتياجاتهم الروحية والعملية، لم تعد جهودنا الارسالية محدودة بحجم محفظة النقود.

The local church is designed to be a family that welcomes in the community and reaches out in practical ways to meet their felt needs. The church is the only organization that cares for the whole person and their whole family, for their whole life.
When we reach out using the PEACE Plan principles through the local church, we focus on several key things:
Transformation over Transaction
How can we help meet all the needs of the hurting in our communities? Focusing on physical needs is not enough. We want to go beyond their tangible needs to their intangible needs.
Drawing People into Deeper Discipleship
Beyond giving “stuff,” PEACE Plan style outreaches focus on creating discipleship opportunities that bring people into our church family and help them take their next step towards Jesus and community.
Unleashing Ordinary Believers to Create Solutions
Often, when someone is hurting, they need care on multiple levels. Through the PEACE Plan, any member can be equipped to meet needs – all they need is a willingness to step up and reach out. As every member lives out the unique call God has placed on his or her life, the local church becomes a place where many needs are met in practical ways.
Focus on causes, not symptoms
If we want to create real, sustainable change, that means going after the tough stuff. It’s not enough to medicate the symptoms of the problems in our communities, as the church we are equipped to tackle the relationships, hurts, and systemic problems driving the challenges of those in our neighborhoods.
When working cross-culturally in missions, it can be tempting to enter a community and meet needs directly. The problem with this approach is that it side-steps the local church. Local believers are experts on their communities – and they will continue to live in that community long after cross-cultural visitors leave!
The PEACE Plan takes a different approach to working cross-culturally:
Go to serve the local church
For many Christians, we’ve thought the best we can do to serve globally is pay for missions efforts, pray, and stay out of the way. However, we believe that when Jesus commanded us to go in Acts 1:8, he actually meant go! We live in a unique time in history when it’s never been easier to serve in our neighborhood or around the globe. Every believer has something they can contribute to the body of Christ.
Bring ourselves, not “stuff”
It can be tempting to focus on giving resources, but as Jesus modeled, the greatest transformation comes from relationship. We each have much to learn from each other cross-culturally in the body of Christ.
Foster local ownership of local problems
When we shift our focus on empowering local believers with tools and training, the outputs of cross-cultural work are sustainable and reproducible. When they become the hero in their context, the local church is seen as the source of hope for that community and God gets the glory.